This handout provides information based on acceptance and commitment therapy principles that may help those suffering from chronic pain reduce disability and continue to participate in things they enjoy.
This handout provides information based on acceptance and commitment therapy principles that may help those suffering from chronic pain reduce disability and continue to participate in things they enjoy.
5 low-tech AAC cards designed for people who want a low-key, basic, pocketable communication tool. The five cards feature an alphabet board, basic words (nurse, doctor, bathroom, medications, glasses, shoes), emojis to communicate emotions, a visual pain scale, and yes/no card with communication strategies.
Recovery doesn’t stop at the threshold of the therapy room. This handout is designed for rehabilitation therapists working with patients who are recovering from brain injury. It lays out 10 concrete ways that they can support neuroplasticity and maximize recovery from brain injury.
This handout is designed for rehabilitation therapists working with people who no longer have the mobility or fine motor control to operate phones, computers, lights, blinds, etc. Using voice activated systems (such as the Amazon Echo or the Google Home), these patients can use voice commands to increase independence, reduce reliance on caregivers, and optimize their quality of life. This handout provides 10 voice commands to serve as a starting point for incorporating this type of technical compensatory strategy into your rehabilitation program.