
Dysphagia Following a Total Laryngectomy: The Effect on Quality of Life, Functioning, and Psychological Well-Being (2009)

August 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
The authors of this study wanted to see if dysphagia affected people’s QoL, functioning, and psychological well-being after a total laryngectomy. This research study is the first known of this kind to learn from self-reported documentation for total laryngectomies. It is also the first study to examine QoL and psychological well-being measures for people with […]
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Effectiveness of Constraint-Induced Language Therapy for Aphasia: Evidence From Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (2023)

August 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
CILT is an aphasia treatment incorporating neuroplasticity through forced verbal response and an intensive treatment schedule. With CILT, people with aphasia (PWA) must use verbal speech with tasks because they cannot use other multimodal forms of communication, such as gestures, writing, or drawing, to support communication. CILT is a high-intensity treatment typically scheduled for three […]
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Phonological Acquisition in Bilingual Spanish–English Speaking Children (2010)

August 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
The authors aimed to determine how between-language interactions contributed to phonological acquisition in bilingual children, in comparison to their monolingual age-matched peers. A total of 24 typically-developing children were recruited for the study, from 3–4 years of age. Participants included eight bilingual (Spanish-English) children, eight monolingual Spanish speakers, and eight monolingual English speakers. All children […]
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Resource Roadmap Show – Adult SLP – #06

July 9, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This course covers how to use the following resources from the Therapy Insights library: Visual Scanning and Attention Based on Words, How to Use the PQRST Reading Strategy, Changes in Swallowing After Laryngectomy, Broad List of Treatments for Aphasia, and Structural Vocal Pathologies.
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Resource Roadmap Show – Pediatric SLP – #06

July 9, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This course covers: Spanish Language Phonological Inventory Card Set, Working with Bilingual Clients When You Only Speak English, Gliding Under the Ocean, Dynamic Irregular Past Tense Practice Activities, Pulmonary Conditions and Pediatric Swallowing Difficulties.
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Functional Neurological Disorder

July 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This document outlines what functional neurological disorder is and is written in a way that can be provided as a patient handout.
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Spot the Difference

July 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This therapy material works on a variety of visual perceptual skills using functional images.
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