
Facial Nerves and Muscles

October 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This handout provides a general explanation for patients and family members to understand and visualize the nerves and muscles involved in facial sensations and movements.
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Speech Therapy Interventions for Acquired Apraxia of Speech: An Updated Systematic Review (2023)

September 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
AOS often occurs from a stroke but can also be caused by a tumor, brain injury, or degenerative disease. The impairments AOS causes can result in difficulties with planning and programming sensorimotor commands necessary for speech production. This systematic review aims to update the work done by Ballard et al. (2015) to evaluate the current […]
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Management of Functional Communication, Swallowing, Cough and Related Disorders: Consensus Recommendations for Speech and Language Therapy (2021)

September 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
FNDs can involve difficulties with communication, swallowing, cough, and upper airway systems. This review article included 18 SLPs worldwide with clinical experience with patients with FNDs. They had two neuropsychiatric and one neurology professional join them in providing these evaluation and treatment guideline recommendations. FNDs generally have observed positive clinical features during functional communication, swallowing, and […]
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Incentive Spirometer

June 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource provides basic education about incentive spirometry, including who should use an incentive spirometer, its benefits of use, how to use it, and normative values.
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Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Young Adults Who Stutter (2022)

November 1, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
The literature suggests sleep can be a bidirectional factor influencing PWS with their stuttering variability. Until recently, there was little evidence about the relationship between stuttering and sleep. A few studies have shown children, adolescents, and young adults who stutter tend to have higher rates of insomnia. This insomnia could be primary or secondary to […]
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A Point of View About Fluency (2022)

October 1, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
This article written by Dean Williams in 1957 inspired this article, which challenged researchers, clinicians, and the general public to consider how people with stuttering perceive the experience to understand the facets of this condition better. This article challenges the term fluency and how it is frequently used instead of stutter within research and clinical […]
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