
Oral Mech Exam

January 1, 2022 by Megan Berg.
A quick reference guide for SLPs conducting oral mech exams, including cues for the physical exam, voice observation, articulation, and nasality. Includes specifics on how to assess both sensory and motor functions of the cranial nerves.
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Odynophagia or Painful Swallowing

January 1, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This handout explains the difference between dysphagia and odynophagia, common symptoms and causes, and provides some treatment considerations. 
This content is only available to members.

Nutrition Packed Smoothies for People with Dysphagia

January 1, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Are your patients on puree diets sick of applesauce, pudding, and yogurt? Smoothies offer an enormous range of options to improve taste and nutrition for people who are on altered textured diets. This 3-page visual handout offers specific smoothie ingredient options to improve intake of proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and to improve digestive and overall health. To be used in collaboration with a dietitian.
This content is only available to members.

IDDSI Level 5 – Minced and Moist

January 1, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This resource provides information for patients and their caregivers on this consistency’s characteristics, the reasons for recommendation/need for this consistency, ways to test it at home, and helpful recommendations for preparation.
This content is only available to members.

Creating Patient-Centered Dysphagia Goals using the SMART Framework

January 1, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This resource is not a generic list of dysphagia goals. Instead, it’s a guide to help with the critical thinking and patient collaboration necessary to identify meaningful dysphagia goals. Some examples are provided, but clinicians and patients are encouraged to use the SMART framework to support patient-centered goals.
This content is only available to members.


December 30, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This sign is designed to be placed at bedside to improve carry-over of dysphagia strategies.
This content is only available to members.

NG Tube Effect on Swallowing Physiology

December 30, 2021 by Megan Berg.
A common question asked by SLPs is whether the presence of an NG tube affects swallow function. This clinical resource provides insight and answers to this question using research on both normal and post-stroke populations.
This content is only available to members.

Let’s Talk Aspiration: How Much is Too Much?

December 29, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This material explains the difference between “aspiration” and “silent aspiration.” New research with healthy swallows shows occasional aspiration and silent aspiration can be tolerated by the body in small amounts. This information will help with the differential diagnosis of dysphagia and presbyphagia and prevent over-diagnosis of dysphagia.
This content is only available to members.

Keep Calm and Assess the Risk of Aspiration Pneumonia

December 27, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Does aspiration = pneumonia? Maybe. This handout is designed to help SLPs navigate this complex conversation with patients who are at risk of dysphagia. The handout breaks down the evidence base of three variables and how they stack up to different risks. This provides a clear visual as to how a healthy immune system and quality, consistent oral care may be a strong avenue to prevent aspiration pneumonia, even in the presence of aspiration risk.
This content is only available to members.