
Daily Visual Schedule Templates

September 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
These templates allow patients to create a personal visual schedule for themselves. They can be daily reminders of what needs to be done or help with motivation for everyday tasks.
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Predictors of Hospital Readmissions for People with Chronic Conditions (2023)

May 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This study included a cross-sectional sample of people hospitalized with chronic conditions (51 participants) and a preliminary exploration of occupational therapists’ (Three OT practitioners working in acute care) perceptions of standardized measures in acute care. People hospitalized and 18 years of age or older with an admitting chronic diagnosis were invited to participate. The Montreal […]
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“Putting the Occupation Back in Occupational Therapy:” A Survey of Occupational Therapy Practitioners’ Use of Gardening as an Intervention (2014)

April 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Gardening has been equated with positive health outcomes for individuals with physical and mental health issues, and the benefits have been shown to transcend socioeconomic, educational, and cultural boundaries, and to be a cost-effective therapeutic activity. Ninety-one occupational therapy practitioners across all practice settings initially responded to a 15-question survey developed by the authors, but […]
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A Systematic Review of the Effects of Horticultural Therapy on Persons with Mental Health Conditions (2017)

April 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Horticultural therapy (HT), defined in this review as using plants as a therapeutic medium by a trained professional, including occupational therapy practitioners, to achieve a clinically defined goal, includes any use of gardening techniques within a therapeutic program. This review addressed the following question: Do individuals with a mental health condition who receive HT significantly […]
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“Putting the Occupation Back in Occupational Therapy:” A Survey of Occupational Therapy Practitioners’ Use of Gardening as an Intervention (2014)

April 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Gardening has been equated with positive health outcomes for individuals with physical and mental health issues, and the benefits have been shown to transcend socioeconomic, educational, and cultural boundaries, and to be a cost-effective therapeutic activity. Ninety-one occupational therapy practitioners across all practice settings initially responded to a 15-question survey developed by the authors, but […]
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A Systematic Review of the Effects of Horticultural Therapy on Persons with Mental Health Conditions (2017)

April 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Horticultural therapy (HT), defined in this review as using plants as a therapeutic medium by a trained professional, including occupational therapy practitioners, to achieve a clinically defined goal, includes any use of gardening techniques within a therapeutic program. This review addressed the following question: Do individuals with a mental health condition who receive HT significantly […]
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Emergency Preparedness with a Disability

March 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This handout covers different elements of being prepared for emergency situations given changes due to the new onset of a condition for a caregiver and/or patient.
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Unleashing Creativity as an Adult Based Speech Language Pathologist

January 25, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This presentation seeks to help SLPs gain perspective of the creative and FUNctional ideas that can be applied to clinical care when working with adult populations. We will explore creative options for working with adults within an outpatient work setting and apply this to develop ideas of FUNctional and person-centered care activities for immediate application […]
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