
CPAP Use and Cognitive Function

December 25, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This handout describes the link between CPAP use and cognitive functions. The handout includes two research studies and a clear outline of how sleep affects specific cognitive functions.
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Causes and Long-Term Outlook of Post-Operative Cognitive Dysfunction

December 25, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Often, patients continue to experience cognitive dysfunction after undergoing surgery and while in rehabilitation therapy. This can present from mild symptoms, including poor working memory and poor attention/focus, to more severe symptoms, including severe memory impairments that put the patient at risk for further decline in function. While the etiology of this condition is not fully understood, this handout aims to provide patients, family, caregivers, and staff with important information about the causes and long-term outlook of this condition, which can be very costly, both financially and emotionally to patients and their families.
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Brain Injury and Rest

December 25, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This handout describes the need for the brain to rest after an injury in order to heal with a brief discussion about why the struggle between the need for sleep and the increased difficulty the brain has getting sleep after a brain injury. The handout includes 9 specific strategies that patients can implement themselves and 10 ways that family, friends, and medical staff can help.
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10 Major Symptoms of Left vs. Right Brain Damage

December 25, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This handout provides simplified breakdown of the basic differences between left and right brain damage with a specific focus on aphasia, alexia, dyscalculia, apraxia, agnosia, left neglect, insight, inhibition, music, and symbols.
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Group Therapy: How to Manage Energy After a Brain Injury (Spoon Theory)

December 25, 2021 by Megan Berg.
The “Spoon Theory” was created by Christine Miserandino to help explain how brain injuries affect a person’s energy resources. This group activity can help lead a discussion about what daily mental and physical activities “use spoons” and which activities “replace/gain spoons” for energy conservation. This activity encourages a person to identify the specific daily tasks that use/gain spoons and plan weekly responsibilities using this strategy. A word bank is also provided to help give ideas about daily activities to consider for energy conservation.
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Group Therapy Activity: Grief and Acceptance with Brain Injury

December 25, 2021 by Megan Berg.
A brain injury can forever change the lives of the person with a brain injury and their family members. Naturally, survivors will experience grief with this lifestyle change. Carole J. Starr’s book To Root & To Rise: Accepting Brain Injury served as a guide for this important group discussion and personal reflection treatment tasks.
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Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt

December 25, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This activity focuses on community re-integration, and challenges navigation, numerical skills, visual skills, and a variety of cognitive skills in order to locate specific items in the store.
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Graded Motor Imagery

December 25, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This handout provides information on graded motor imagery used for complex pain and motor coordination. This handout describes each stage of the graded motor imagery protocol used for cortical retraining.
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