
Impact of Chronic Hyponatremia on Neurocognitive and Neuromuscular Function (2018)

January 13, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This study had 19 patient’s from an outpatient clinic of the University Hospital of Wurzbug with documented chronic mild (sodium level 130-134 mmol/L) or moderate (serum sodium level 121-129 mmol/ L) hyponatremia. Of the 19 patients, there were 11 females, 8 males, and their ages ranged from 45 to 79 years of age. There were […]
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Training-Dependent Structural Neuroplasticity in Brain-Injured Patients (2018)

January 13, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Two journal databases were used to find structural MRI studies used to measure neuroplasticity from training or rehabilitation treatment for individuals with an acquired brain injury (ABI). 1634 research articles were initially found and after the inclusion criteria was applied, 25 articles were identified for this study. The inclusion criteria consisted of 1) the participants […]
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Headache Trigger Sensitivity and Avoidance After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (2019)

January 13, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This study had 53 participants from two different study groups. Study 1 group had 17 participants who were recruited from four outpatient concussion clinics. Study 2 group had 36 participants that were recruited from two of the same concussion clinics. For inclusion criteria, the participants needed to be diagnosed with a mild TBI that occurred […]
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Attention Process Training (2018)

January 13, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Attention Process Training (APT) is a program designed to retrain attention and concentration deficits in individuals with brain injury. It was developed by a neuropsychologist and speech pathologist for use in a comprehensive cognitive remediation program. APT is a theoretically based set of treatment materials and tasks which address five separate levels of attention processing. […]
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Inflammation and Post-Operative Cognitive Dysfunction (2018)

January 13, 2022 by Megan Berg.
The authors note that POCD does not equate to delirium, and indicates a specific contrast between pre- and post- cognitive function after surgery. POCD can also last well after the acute phase, and even affect the mortality rate of the patient, as well as their overall quality of life. Some of the theories the authors […]
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Oxidative Stress as Related to Traumatic Brain Injury (2014)

January 13, 2022 by Megan Berg.
The authors note that despite the cascade of effects occurring in the secondary injury stage of a TBI, it could be reversible, and to understand how is to understand oxidative stress. To expand on this knowledge of oxidative stress, the authors discussed biomarkers in relation to measuring TBI damage. These markers, like S100β, express themselves […]
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The Relationship of Orientation to Physical Aggression and Compliance (2003)

January 11, 2022 by Megan Berg.
The authors of this case study researched the correlation between compliance, orientation (a patient’s awareness of their person/time/ place), and aggression in patients whom had experienced traumatic brain injury (TBI) and were attending speech-language treatment. The study was an extension of previous research findings investigating the relationship between these three topics in regard to patients […]
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Smooth Pursuit vs Visual Scanning Therapy for Left Neglect (2014)

January 11, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Functional neglect measures, unawareness, and activities of daily living (ADLs) were emphasized when comparing SPT and VST treatments. To be included in the trial, patients had to have experienced a right-hemisphere stroke, demonstrated visual neglect in two screening tests, and were able to participate in neglect training for 30 minutes on a daily basis. Out […]
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Does the Clock Drawing Test Have Focal Neuroanatomical Correlates? (2008)

January 11, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Cognitive-Linguistics The neuroanatomical analysis was based on magnetic resonance (MR) data obtained in a 1.5 Tesla General Electric Sigma scanner with a 3D SPGR sequence yielding 1.5 mm contiguous T1 weighted coronal cuts, or, in a few subjects in whom an MR could not be obtained, on computerized axial tomography (CT) data. Some of the […]
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Your Whole Body Rehabilitation Therapy Team

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Speech, occupational, and physical therapists make a powerful interdisciplinary team that works together with patients to make recovery possible. This handout is designed to help patients, family, and staff understand the unique and interrelated roles that each discipline encompasses.
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