
Model of Attention

May 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource defines the distinct yet interrelated subcomponents of attention.
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“Putting the Occupation Back in Occupational Therapy:” A Survey of Occupational Therapy Practitioners’ Use of Gardening as an Intervention (2014)

April 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Gardening has been equated with positive health outcomes for individuals with physical and mental health issues, and the benefits have been shown to transcend socioeconomic, educational, and cultural boundaries, and to be a cost-effective therapeutic activity. Ninety-one occupational therapy practitioners across all practice settings initially responded to a 15-question survey developed by the authors, but […]
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April 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource covers ways to work on child-rearing skills in functional therapy.
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Gardening with OT

April 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource covers ways to incorporate gardening into functional therapy.
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“Putting the Occupation Back in Occupational Therapy:” A Survey of Occupational Therapy Practitioners’ Use of Gardening as an Intervention (2014)

April 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Gardening has been equated with positive health outcomes for individuals with physical and mental health issues, and the benefits have been shown to transcend socioeconomic, educational, and cultural boundaries, and to be a cost-effective therapeutic activity. Ninety-one occupational therapy practitioners across all practice settings initially responded to a 15-question survey developed by the authors, but […]
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INCOG 2.0 Guidelines for Cognitive Rehabilitation Following Traumatic Brain Injury, Part II: Attention and Information Processing Speed (2023)

April 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Attention is a complex and necessary skill needed for alertness, selective attention, processing speed, sustained attention, shifting attention needed for divided attention, and working memory. A TBI can disrupt the neurotransmitter pathways in the frontotemporal and midbrain reticular systems needed for attention. For people with moderate to severe TBI, 60% of them reported attentional difficulties […]
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