This therapy material uses the Kawa Model as an intervention in order to educate about the role of occupational therapy, and help with goal setting and motivation.
This scoping review considered articles published in peer-reviewed journals or unpublished dissertations and theses that directly investigated the use of the Kawa model. A total of 10 research articles and three unpublished dissertations met the criteria and were critically reviewed for thematic analysis. The thematic analysis identified the following themes regarding the Kawa model and its […]
The aim of this study was to understand participants’ experiences of financial management after acquired brain injuries. Participants were included if they had a moderate to severe acquired brain injury at least one year earlier, 18 years or older, living in the community, and reported having primary or joint responsibility for financial management tasks before […]
Executive function deficits are the most prevalent after the injury for people with a TBI. This makes sense because executive functions are commonly processed in the brain’s frontal lobe, which is particularly susceptible to injury by striking the skull and/or the bony ridges of the skull. In addition, the white matter connections of the frontal […]
This scheduling task requires a person to use various executive function skills, including good initiation, visual scanning, divided visual attention, planning/organization, reading comprehension, written expression, and problem solving/reasoning.