
10 principios de neuroplasticidad

February 28, 2025 by Megan Berg.
Este resumen visual de los diez principios de la neuroplasticidad ofrece a los terapeutas una herramienta rápida y fácil de consultar para explicar conceptos clave a los pacientes durante las sesiones de terapia. Es perfecto para iniciar conversaciones y ayuda a los pacientes a comprender cómo los ejercicios específicos pueden transformar su cerebro para facilitar la recuperación.
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¿Dónde está la persona que conozco y amo? El impacto transformador de las lesiones en el hemisferio derecho del cerebro

February 28, 2025 by Megan Berg.
Este recurso está creado para ayudar a los miembros de la familia a comprender los cambios profundos que pueden suceder tras una lesión en el hemisferio derecho del cerebro. Ofrece información sobre las diferencias entre las lesiones en los hemisferios izquierdo y derecho, cómo pueden cambiar la personalidad y el comportamiento, y presenta preguntas que invitan a la reflexión para ayudar a las familias a redefinir roles y ajustar expectativas. Comparte este recurso con las familias para apoyar su camino a través de esta transformación y recomendar que lleven estas preguntas a la terapia para obtener más orientación.
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From Offers to Action: 30+ Ways Friends and Family Can Support You

February 28, 2025 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource provides over 30 specific and practical ways for individuals in recovery to ask for and accept help from friends and family. Designed to make navigating offers of support easier, it empowers your clients to focus on healing while fostering meaningful connections with their support network.
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Frontal Lobe Brain Injuries

February 28, 2025 by Ashley Zhinin.
Make frontal lobe brain injuries easier for patients and families to understand with this simple, clear handout. Designed to reduce overwhelm, it explains key challenges and how therapy supports recovery in a way that’s easy to follow and approachable.
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Adaptive Makeup Tools

February 28, 2025 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource highlights adaptive makeup tools designed to make makeup application more accessible for individuals with disabilities, such as those experiencing fine motor challenges, tremors, or limited mobility. Therapists can use this guide to empower clients by sharing practical solutions that promote independence, confidence, and self-expression.
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Therapy Planner Template

February 28, 2025 by Ashley Zhinin.
This one-page planning sheet is designed to streamline goal-setting, therapy session planning, data collection, and future planning in one convenient place. It promotes continuity of care for shared caseloads and offers a cohesive, organized solution for tracking essential information.
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10 Mantras for Rehabilitation Therapy

January 31, 2025 by Ashley Zhinin.
Empower your clients with these inspiring posters, designed to spark reflection and build resilience in therapy sessions. Perfect for displaying in therapy spaces, they can serve as conversation starters or personal affirmations to support clients on their journey to recovery.
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How to Get Audiobooks For Free For People with Disabilities (United States)

January 31, 2025 by Ashley Zhinin.
Empower your patients with free access to audiobooks, ebooks, and braille materials tailored to their needs. This resource provides step-by-step guidance for therapists to help patients set up and use two excellent services: the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS) and OverDrive, ensuring ongoing support and accessibility for meaningful engagement.
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Neuro-FAST (Neurological Functional Assessment Subtests for Therapists): Subtest of Skills of Independence

January 31, 2025 by Ashley Zhinin.
Introducing Neuro-FAST: Functional Assessment Subtests for Therapists Neuro-FAST is a time-efficient, therapist-centered tool designed to assess functional neurological abilities in acute and post-acute care settings. Each subtest is person-centered, incorporating Quality of Life (QoL) measurements, Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs), and a family-friendly, customizable one-page summary for easy communication. The subtests can be used individually or combined to create a more comprehensive assessment tailored to your clinical needs. Version 1.0 is available for initial feedback as we work toward building a full suite of tools for speech and occupational therapy.
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Simulating an Online Payment

January 31, 2025 by Ashley Zhinin.
Help your clients build confidence with online payment processes in a safe, controlled environment using this therapy resource. This activity simulates entering payment details on a fake website, providing a practical way to address real-world challenges without the risk of actual transactions.
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