
/L/ Sound Practice

October 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Production of the /L/ sound can be successful with the help of fun activities and tools. This resource provides suggestions for targeting /L/ sounds at word level.
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Measuring Speech Production Development in Children With Cerebral Palsy Between 6 and 8 Years of Age: Relationships Among Measures (2020)

September 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
It is common for children with cerebral palsy (CP) to demonstrate speech production problems, most often caused by dysarthria. Dysarthria can range from mild to severe and include deficits in the areas of articulation, resonance, phonation, and respiration. While there are many different assessment tools available, it is difficult to capture functional speaking abilities and […]
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Quick Guide to Pediatric Dysarthria

September 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Utilize this resource as a foundation and overview of how to identify, assess, and tackle pediatric dysarthria across a variety of settings.
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Spanish Language Phonological Inventory Card Set

August 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
These cards contain all the phonological consonant sounds in the Spanish language with pronunciation guides, visual pictures, and words to match. Use these to practice and support phonological development with Spanish-speaking clients.
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Gliding Under the Ocean

August 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This is an easy-to-use articulation activity targeting glide sounds (r, l, w) for both literate and pre-literate populations with a late summer/ocean theme.
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Phonological Acquisition in Bilingual Spanish–English Speaking Children (2010)

August 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
The authors aimed to determine how between-language interactions contributed to phonological acquisition in bilingual children, in comparison to their monolingual age-matched peers. A total of 24 typically-developing children were recruited for the study, from 3–4 years of age. Participants included eight bilingual (Spanish-English) children, eight monolingual Spanish speakers, and eight monolingual English speakers. All children […]
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How Pediatric Medications Impact Speech and Swallow

July 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Drug-induced neurological disorders can challenge the efficiency of clinical evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment. This resource provides a list of pediatric medications and associated speech and swallow complications.
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Speaking Valves in Pediatric Speech Therapy

July 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource offers information about what speaking valves are and how to place them. A few tips are offered on how to introduce them to children when starting to address voicing and swallowing goals.
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Speech and Phonological Characteristics of Individual Children With a History of Tracheostomy (1999)

July 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
It is well-known that children who have undergone long-term tracheostomy are at risk for developmental delays, including speech delay. This study took a deeper dive to analyze the specific speech production patterns and phonological skills of six participants, aged 2 to 6 years. Each child had undergone tracheostomy before age 8 months for a variety […]
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