
Interacting with Children Who Have Communication Disorders: A Guide for Extended Family

December 27, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Offering information to extended family on how to interact with children who have speech and language disorders/delays can ease any stress caused during any communication breakdown. This handout provides simple strategies to help improve interactions and conversations between extended family and children who experience speech and language delays/disorders.
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Ideas for Working on Final Consonant Deletion at Home

December 27, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Final consonant deletion is normal up until about the age of three, but children with speech sound disorders often continue to delete this part of a word. This handout provides quick, easy, and fun ideas for working on this error pattern.
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Ice Cream Syllables

December 26, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Saying words with two or more syllables is challenging for children with articulation or phonological disorders, or apraxia of speech. This worksheet provides opportunity for practicing these words in therapy and at home.
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Hidden Scene: Find the /L/ Words!

December 26, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This speech therapy activity targets the /l/ sound. Search this busy, colorful page for all the words that start with L!
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Visualizing /f/ and /v/

December 26, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This handout includes a large visual of lingual/dental placement as well as a clear visual on voiced and unvoiced productions. The handout also includes quick tips and tricks for eliciting the sound.
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Tongue Tie

December 26, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This handout helps visualize and explain the four most common types of tongue ties.
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Tips for Parents of Children Who Stutter

December 26, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This handout handout features five strategies that highlight extra time, reducing distractions, and setting the child up for success by talking with friends, family, and teachers about these strategies.
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Practicing Velar Sounds at Home

December 25, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This handout describes what velar sounds are as well as tips and 3 specific strategies for practicing velar sounds at home to improve carry-over.
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How to Help Children Produce the /ch/ and /sh/ Sounds

December 25, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This visual handout is designed to assist speech-language pathologists when training parents and caregivers on how to help children learn /ch/ and /sh/ sounds. Featuring concrete strategies and suggestions, this handout will help parents and caregivers feel confident when carrying over skills learned in therapy to their home environment.
This content is only available to members.