
An Investigation of Involvement in Leisure Activities After a Stroke (1991)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Previous research has supported the statement that stroke patients experience a reduction in social and leisure activities. OTI for stroke survivors can assist patients in resuming leisure activities or learn new activities but there is a need for more evaluative research on the effect of these interventions. At the time of this study, no studies […]
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Self-Management Strategies Used by Patients Who Are Hypersensitive to Cold Following a Hand Injury. A Prospective Study with Two Years Follow-Up (2015)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Cold hypersensitivity is a common symptom of upper-extremity nerve injuries. Cold hypersensitivity is associated with an abnormally low tolerance to cold and can affect hand function and activity performance. Previous studies have identified strategies used to manage cold-induced discomfort but do not explore patients’ preferred strategies over time. Study design A prospective cohort study design […]
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Constraint-Induced Therapy Combined With Eye Patching on Functional Outcomes and Movement Kinematics in Post Stroke Neglect (2013)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Unilateral neglect (UN) is a disabling impairment that can occur after a stroke. UN often manifest on the left side of the body and is marked by the failure to report, respond, or orient to novel stimuli presented on the opposite side to a brain lesion. CIT combines restraint of the unaffected upper limb with […]
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Efficacy of Early Physical Therapy in Severe Bell’s Palsy (2013)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Bell’s palsy (BP) is the most frequent form of peripheral facial nerve palsy. From 69% to 85% of those with BP experience complete spontaneous recovery. However, partial motor recovery, synkinesis, hemifacial spasm, contractures, salivation, and lacrimation alterations often persist in remaining cases. Pharmacological treatment with corticosteroids has been shown to be effective if administered within […]
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One-On-One Fatigue Management Course for People with Chronic Conditions and Fatigue (2017)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
The Managing Fatigue Course is a common Occupational Therapy (OT) approach for treating people with chronic conditions and associated fatigue in outpatient settings. The course, in its adapted form for one-on-one application, consists of five modules: 1) Basics of fatigue, 2) Communication and fatigue, 3) Body mechanics and making the most of your environment, 4) […]
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Risk of Penetration-Aspiration Related to Residue in the Pharynx (2020)

January 14, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This study wanted to close the gap in the research by calculating the risk for aspiration when considering the liquids’ consistencies and the amount of preexisting pharyngeal residue in the pharynx during swallowing trials. The authors further defined the initial and non-initial swallows into three classifications. The “clean baseline” swallow is assumed when the first […]
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Effect of Text-to-Speech Rate on Reading Comprehension by Adults with Aphasia (2020)

January 14, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This study aimed to evaluate the accuracy and preference of adults with chronic aphasia during a simultaneous reading and listening to a computer-generated voice with three different speaking rates. The second part of the study evaluated the PWA’s time to review the written material after the combined auditory and written presentation. There were 25 participants […]
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Effects of Verb Network Strengthening Treatment on Sound-Level and Speech Production Errors in Individuals With Aphasia and Acquired Apraxia of Speech (2021)

January 14, 2022 by Megan Berg.
It is common for individuals with left hemisphere strokes to have aphasia, but they can also have a dual diagnosis of A-AOS and aphasia. VNeST has been shown to improve the generalization of lexical retrieval of untrained words across the hierarchy of language tasks. The VNeST protocol targets activation of semantic, lexical, and syntax between […]
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Measurement of Social Engagement of Nursing Home Residents During and Exercise Program (2021)

January 14, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Western Kentuckey University developed Bingocize, a trademarked program that combines bingo-like activities with physical exercises. Healthcare workers can adapt the Bingocize program to meet any resident’s physical limitation or cognitive impairments. FUSE was developed to evaluate the socialization of nursing home residents while they are doing Bingocize sessions. A combination of trained healthcare worker observation […]
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Identification of Word Retrieval Difficulties in the Normally Aging Population (2021)

January 14, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Many studies compare the word-finding speeds of younger and older populations of people. Younger populations typically outperform category listing tasks, but the aging population does better with word generation for a specific letter. It is interesting because generating words for a category requires semantic retrieval, but generating a phoneme requires non-meaningful generation. The semantic retrieval […]
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