
Optimum Frequency of Exercise for Bone Health: Randomised Controlled Trial of a High-Impact Unilateral Intervention (2010)

August 1, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
The authors sought to determine if a high-impact, unilateral exercise program would improve hip bone mineral density (BMD) in premenopausal women and whether this response varied based on how often the women exercised. A total of 61 women participated in the study. Included subjects were able to perform brief high-intensity exercise, were aged between 18 […]
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Personalized Pocket Cards for 3 Types of Dysarthria

August 1, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
These business-card-sized wallet cards provide information about the specific type of dysarthria, ways to support communication with the individual, and important personal information for the person with dysarthria.
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The Role of Cognitive Impairment on Physical Therapy Attendance and Outcomes in Multiple Sclerosis (2022)

August 1, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating neurodegenerative process that affects the central nervous system. Individuals with MS are often referred to physical therapy for personalized plans of care to address functional mobility and acquire new motor skills. Therapists frequently use functional outcome measures to assess progress. Cognitive status is also affected by MS, and there […]
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Prevalence and Predictors of Burnout Among Occupational Therapy Practitioners in the United States (2022)

August 1, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
Burnout is a concept that describes the psychological relationship people have with their job along three dimensions: exhaustion–energy, cynicism–involvement, and inefficacy–efficacy. A large body of literature indicates that feelings of burnout are common among health care professionals, including OT practitioners. The purpose of this study was to assess the extent and predictors of burnout in […]
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Ethnic Skin and Hair Care in Acute and LTC Settings

July 8, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
This course will explore techniques used to care for African American patients including shampooing, styling, and upkeep of the varying hair textures that you may encounter. Additionally, it will also explore skin care issues and how, as a rehab professional, to incorporate cultural ideals into everyday intervention and clients’ activities of daily living (ADLs).
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Introduction to the Patient with Laryngectomy – What the SLP Should Know

July 5, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
This course covers information regarding post-laryngectomy anatomy and physiology including typical vs post-laryngectomy and tracheostomy vs laryngectomy. Gain an overview of techniques for voice restoration after a laryngectomy, including esophageal speech, electrolarynx, and tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis. Post-laryngectomy pulmonary rehabilitation and dysphagia will be reviewed.
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The Effect of Hearing Aid Use on Cognition in Older Adults: Can We Delay Decline or Even Improve Cognitive Function? (2020)

July 1, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
Hearing loss incidence ranges from 30%-60% for individuals over 65 and 70-90% for those over 85 years of age. Many comorbidities are associated with hearing loss, including poorer physical health, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and isolation. Several studies and meta-analyses have demonstrated both peripheral hearing loss and central auditory dysfunction is associated with hearing loss, cognitive […]
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