
Saliva Anatomy and Function

March 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Saliva is necessary for supporting swallowing, digestion, and teeth protection. Three salivary glands produce one to two liters of the body’s daily saliva. Video on how to use this resource: Nascimento, D., Carmona, J., Mestre, T., Ferreira, J. J., & Guimarães, I. (2021). Drooling rating scales in Parkinson’s disease: A systematic review. Parkinsonism & Related […]
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A Comparison of Prefabricated and Custom Made Resting Hand Splints for Individuals with Cervical Spinal Cord Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial (2021)

March 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This study randomized each hand, rather than each participant, and participants were recruited after admission for inpatient SCI rehabilitation. Inclusion criteria were 18 years or older, cervical SCI with hand function impairment, and primary OT deemed splinting necessary. The intervention was completed by the participant’s primary OT, who was not a member of the research […]
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Scar Massage as a Home Program

March 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This document is meant to be given to patients who have had a recent operation or trauma that resulted in a linear incision or laceration. The document outlines manual massage techniques from a patient perspective.
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Percutaneous Electrolysis in the Treatment of Lateral Epicondylalgia: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial (2020)

March 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Lateral epicondylalgia (LE) is commonly caused by tendinopathy of the extensor tendons at the lateral epicondyle. This is characterized by disorganization of collagen fibers, hypervascularization, and tissue granulation. Trigger point dry needling (TDN) and eccentric exercises are commonly utilized, but percutaneous electrolysis (PE) is less well known and is theorized to produce a local inflammatory […]
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Predicting Outdoor Walking 1 Year After Spinal Cord Injury: A Retrospective, Multisite External Validation Study (2023)

March 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Walking is frequently one of the most desired outcomes for individuals after SCI. The researchers aimed to validate a CPR developed by a previous study to best predict outdoor walking. Success of outdoor walking was more strict than some previous CPRs, and was defined as a score of 6 or greater on the 14th item […]
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