

August 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource covers the indications for use of a bidet and the multiple benefits they can provide.
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Diagnostic Metrics Simplified: Reference for Clinicians

August 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource outlines diagnostic metrics such as specificity, sensitivity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, positive likelihood ratios, and negative likelihood ratios to help clinicians better understand tests for various conditions.
This content is only available to members.

Social Activity and Relationship Changes Experienced by People with Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction Following Spinal Cord Injury (2017)

August 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
The authors selected diverse participants in Victoria, Australia, to ensure representation of age, gender, spinal cord injury (SCI) level, and socioeconomic status. A total of 22 completed in-depth semi-structured interviews via telephone. Six main themes were identified.  Themes: Altered social relationships. The constant need to manage bladder and bowel issues negatively impacted the initiation and […]
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Resource Roadmap Show – Adult SLP – #06

July 9, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This course covers how to use the following resources from the Therapy Insights library: Visual Scanning and Attention Based on Words, How to Use the PQRST Reading Strategy, Changes in Swallowing After Laryngectomy, Broad List of Treatments for Aphasia, and Structural Vocal Pathologies.
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Resource Roadmap Show – OT – #06

July 9, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This course covers how to use the following resources from the Therapy Insights library: Median Nerve Injuries, Bowel Management after Spinal Cord Injury, Bidets, Shopping Strategies for Executive Dysfunction, Delayed Recall Visual Memory Activity
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Treatment of Wernicke’s Aphasia

July 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource provides guidance for treating receptive language impairment, a cornerstone impairment for a person with Wernicke’s aphasia.
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Auditory training changes temporal lobe connectivity in ‘Wernicke’s aphasia’: a randomised trial (2017)

July 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Damage to the dominant temporoparietal cortex, causing Wernicke’s or global aphasia, can resist conventional treatment methods. There is a deficit in auditory phonological analysis for Wernicke’s aphasia. Therapy often involves auditory discrimination training with phonemes, consonant-vowel-consonant segments, or longer sound sequences. There has been limited research for individuals with moderate to severe Wernicke’s aphasia because […]
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Spot the Difference

July 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This therapy material works on a variety of visual perceptual skills using functional images.
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