Clinical Resources

Print from the Clinical Resource library.



Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This handout is for people who have lost the ability to recognize letters and/or to read. The handout describes what alexia is, how it occurs, and how SLPs can help.
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Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
Written in a family-friendly format, the handout is appropriate for patients, staff, family, and caregivers and describes the etiology of agraphia as well as signs/symptoms, treatment, and strategies.
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Adult Onset Neurogenic Dysfluency

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultSLPMotor Speech/Dysarthria/Apraxia
Handout describing the signs and symptoms of adult neurogenic stuttering, possible causes, affected population, and treatment options.
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10 Major Symptoms of Left vs. Right Brain Damage

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultSLPBrain Injury
This handout provides simplified breakdown of the basic differences between left and right brain damage with a specific focus on aphasia, alexia, dyscalculia, apraxia, agnosia, left neglect, insight, inhibition, music, and symbols.
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Eval Tool

Hand and Forearm Sensory Screening Form

Print Resource — US Letter — 4 pages
Hand and forearm sensory screening form. This resource will provide clinicians with a visual form to easily document sensory impairments and can be used to demonstrate impairments to patients and caregivers.
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Hamstring Strains: What to Expect

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOrthopaedicsSports and Exercise
Hamstring injuries are common in all populations but account for a large portion of non-contact injuries in athletes such as soccer players. This handout outlines what hamstring injuries are, how they occur, how long to expect to recovery, and a simple way to determine readiness to return to sport.
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Guillain-Barré Syndrome: A Timeline of Expected Recovery

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This resource provides patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome an understanding what to expect over time during the recovery process. It is built to give patient’s expectations for the duration of their symptoms and recovery. It includes a typical timeline with what to expect along the way as well as a collection of resources.
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Guidelines and Goals for Pediatric G-Tubes

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
PediatricSLPFeeding and Swallowing
G-tubes can be scary, intimidating, and misunderstood by parents and caregivers. This resource offers basic guidelines and goals for SLPs to follow when beginning the g-tube journey with a client.
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Guide to Laryngomalacia and Feeding Safety and Outcomes

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
PediatricSLPFeeding and Swallowing
Laryngomalacia is a common diagnosis for infants that is often misunderstood by parents in both the short and long-term. This resource provides a quick guide to the condition, ways to assist, and evolution over time.
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Therapy Material

Group Therapy: How to Manage Energy After a Brain Injury (Spoon Theory)

Print Resource — US Letter — 3 pages
AdultOTSLPBrain Injury
The “Spoon Theory” was created by Christine Miserandino to help explain how brain injuries affect a person’s energy resources. This group activity can help lead a discussion about what daily mental and physical activities “use spoons” and which activities “replace/gain spoons” for energy conservation. This activity encourages a person to identify the specific daily tasks that use/gain spoons and plan weekly responsibilities using this strategy. A word bank is also provided to help give ideas about daily activities to consider for energy conservation.
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Therapy Material

Group Therapy Activity: Grief and Acceptance with Brain Injury

Print Resource — US Letter — 3 pages
AdultOTSLPBrain Injury
A brain injury can forever change the lives of the person with a brain injury and their family members. Naturally, survivors will experience grief with this lifestyle change. Carole J. Starr’s book To Root & To Rise: Accepting Brain Injury served as a guide for this important group discussion and personal reflection treatment tasks.
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Therapy Material

Group Aphasia Therapy: Gardening Conversation Guide

Print Resource — US Letter — 3 pages
Many people enjoy gardening and sharing their tips and tricks with others. This group material provides guided questions with answer prompts to support this discussion. It also includes pictures of popular types of flowers, vegetables, and herbs for visual supports.
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Grounding Techniques

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTMental Health
This handout provides examples of grounding techniques that patients can use when feeling anxious or worrisome. This handout can be used as a visual guide while instructing patients in grounding techniques and as a visual reminder for the patient to use for continued practice.
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Therapy Material

Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTSLPADLs/IADLsBrain Injury
This activity focuses on community re-integration, and challenges navigation, numerical skills, visual skills, and a variety of cognitive skills in order to locate specific items in the store.
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Grief and Aphasia

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
Grief is a natural emotion after a life-changing event like a stroke or brain injury. When a person experiences aphasia (loss of language abilities) the grief can be more socially isolating. This handout supports having a conversation about grief and aphasia. It provides some suggestions for aphasia friendly communication strategies. Depression is common for individuals after stroke/brain injury and it lists signs of depression loved one may notice that requires professional medical attention.
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Eval Tool

GRBAS Auditory Perceptual Evaluation of Voice

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
The GRBAS is a non-standardized, commonly used auditory perceptual scale used by a speech-language pathologist (SLP) to evaluate the healthiness of a person’s voice. This resource provides information on the five characteristics and ratings for consistent communication and understanding between SLPs.
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Therapy Material

Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondence Cards

Print Resource — .zip file (cannot be opened on mobile devices) Size: US Letter. — 128 pages (472 cards when cut)
472 grapheme-phoneme correspondence cards for speech-language pathologists and teachers targeting dyslexia and alexia through phonological awareness.
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Therapy Material

Graded Motor Imagery

Print Resource — US Letter — 5 pages
AdultOTBrain InjuryChronic PainStroke
This handout provides information on graded motor imagery used for complex pain and motor coordination. This handout describes each stage of the graded motor imagery protocol used for cortical retraining.
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Clinical Reference

Graded Exposure for Persistent Pain

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTChronic Pain
This resource outlines an evidence based graded exposure protocol to improve function in the face of nervous system sensitization.
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Therapy Material

Golf Numerical Problem Solving Activity

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTSLPBrain Injury
When asking patients about their hobbies and interests in order to incorporate those when creating person-centered goals, an often response is “golfing.” This activity is made for those golf lovers to target their numerical problem solving skills related to their favorite sport.
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