Therapy Material
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— US Letter — 3 pages
PediatricSLPLanguage Development
These activities can be used with children of all ages to target language skills such as following directions, expanding vocabulary, and grammatical structures.
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Therapy Material
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— US Letter — 1 page
PediatricSLPApraxia of SpeechArticulation and Phonology
This activity can be used to practice speech sounds with children who have childhood apraxia of speech, or other articulation errors or phonological processes.
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Clinical Reference
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— US Letter — 4 pages
AdultOTSLPADLs/IADLsBrain InjuryProgressive Neurological ConditionsStroke
This handout provides a brief explanation of the “spoon theory” metaphor used to describe the amount of mental or physical energy a person has available for daily activities. This handout can be used to describe and apply the theory with patients and then as a visual reminder.
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Therapy Material
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— US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTSLPBrain InjuryStroke
Many individuals with a brain injury may desire to return to work. This visual and verbal problem solving/reasoning task creates safety awareness discussions within real-life work environments.
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Therapy Material
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— US Letter — 2 pages
PediatricSLPLanguage Development
Use this spring scene with your students to practice following 1 step directions that contain spatial concepts.
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— US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTSpinal Cord Injury
This resource cover the different spinal cord injury syndromes and their presentations.
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PediatricSLPFeeding and Swallowing
This handout describes different spoon options for spoon feeding babies, toddlers, and children. Featuring helpful tips for children who have sensory and/or motor planning needs.
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— US Letter — 2 pages
AdultSLPSpinal Cord Injury
This resource provides basic education regarding spinal cord injuries and what level of injuries may require rehabilitation from an SLP.
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AdultOTSpinal Cord Injury
A visual guide to spinal cord injury levels with their respective physiology and functional abilities, explanation of bowel protocols, and an overview of the American Spinal Cord Association (ASIA) scale of spinal cord impairment.
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— US Letter — 1 page
Simple door sign for uninterrupted therapy sessions.
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— US Letter — 1 page (3 cards when cut)
Template of speech therapy appointment cards. 3 per card with room to write name, room number, date, time, SLP’s name, and special notes.
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— US Letter — 1 page
AdultSLPBrain InjuryStroke
This material describes why an SLP may be consulted to work with a person who has had a lesion in their cerebellum.
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— US Letter — 1 page
AdultSLPBrain InjuryStroke
This handout provides written education on the basal ganglia including signs of dysfunction, diseases of the basal ganglia, and why a person may benefit from speech therapy with a lesion in this area of the brain.
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Therapy Material
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— US Letter — 2 pages
PediatricSLPArticulation and Phonology
Summer family activities can be a great opportunity to practice speech sounds! This therapy activity includes 2 pages of vocabulary cards along with a list of how to use the cards either in structured therapy or as home practice with family/caregivers.
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Therapy Material
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— US Letter — 3 pages
PediatricSLPArticulation and Phonology
This game targets bilabial consonants. Includes a page of gumballs with bilabial target words (including blank ones so you can create your own) and a printout of a gumball machine. Cut out the gumballs and have kids pop them into the gumball machine as they practice the sounds.
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— US Letter — 1 page
AdultSLPMotor Speech/Dysarthria/Apraxia
Dysarthria can make it difficult for others to understand a person’s speech. These specific strategies will help improve speech intelligibility for the person with dysarthria. This can be hung up on the wall to be an external memory aid to use these strategies.
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— US Letter — 1 page
PediatricSLPArticulation and Phonology
Children with articulation errors, phonological processes, speech/language delays, or apraxia of speech generally all benefit from using speech pacing techniques, which are used to improve speaking rate, and ultimately intelligibility. This handout provides some tips and strategies when working with a child who needs help with pacing his/her speech.
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— US Letter — 1 page
PediatricSLPLanguage Development
This handout provides basic information regarding social skills milestones that are expected from birth through 10 years of age. Provides families and caregivers with a starting point when understanding pragmatic language delays.
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Therapy Material
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— US Letter — 1 page
AdultSLPBrain Injury
Social media use is an important area to evaluate after a brain injury because of the many different thinking and communication skills required to be safe on the internet and interact positively with others. This handout helps guide the discussion about how the person with a brain injury uses social media throughout their day.
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Eval Tool
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— US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTSLPBrain Injury
This handout is for therapists using spaced retrieval training to recall important functional information, such as their phone number, home address, safety precautions, or names of family members.
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