Clinical Resources

Print from the Clinical Resource library.

Therapy Material

Front-Back Minimal Pairs

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
PediatricSLPArticulation and Phonology
This resource contains 24 front/back minimal pairs with pictures designed to provide an engaging focal point to structured therapy tasks as well as context for abstract words used in repeated practice.
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Vital Signs Monitoring Sheet

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTHealth Management and Self Advocacy
This chart assists with self monitoring vitals, or can be used for caregiver education in the case of a patient who lives with family or in an assisted living facility. Daily monitoring of vital signs can be an important way to see warning signs and allow for self advocacy during doctor appointments.
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Therapy Material

Vocabulary Game with Paper Doll

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
PediatricSLPLanguage Development
Many parents and therapists use body part identification to target vocabulary building with their preschoolers. This fun and simple body part game can be used to maintain the attention span of your preschooler who enjoys arts and crafts.
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Therapy Material

Visual Schedule for Children Learning Virtually From Home

Print Resource — US Letter — 5 pages
PediatricSLPArticulation and PhonologyLanguage Development
For children who are both trying to attend school virtually and therapy sessions, visual supports are beneficial for sustaining participation, motivation, and attention.
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Visual Neglect (Hemispatial Inattention) vs. Visual Field Cut (Homonymous Hemianopsia)

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTSLPBrain InjuryVision
This handout explains the difference between visual neglect and visual field cut. It provides information about how they are different and ways to distinguish them. There are also some suggestions for treatment. Recommended for patients and their family to understand the difference between these two similar conditions with divergent treatment recommendations.
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Therapy Material

Visual Perceptual Skills

Print Resource — US Letter — 3 pages
AdultOTSLPBrain InjuryVision
This handout breaks down the different types of visual perceptual skills and provides examples of potential functional deficits that might present in individuals with visual perceptual dysfunction.
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Visual Aids for Toe-Touch Weight Bearing and Non-Weight Bearing (TTWB/NWB) Precautions

Print Resource — US Letter — 8 pages
AdultOTSLPBrain InjuryOrthopaedics
It is often difficult for a client to remember to follow weight bearing precautions after a fracture or surgery, especially if they have a memory impairment. This customizable clinical resource is a set of TTWB/NWB visual aids to use as a reminder for your clients and their caregivers. Use of a visual aid is a part of the delivery of skilled therapy services, and it can improve outcomes, safety, and carryover during healing.
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Therapy Material

Visual Closure Tasks

Print Resource — US Letter — 4 pages
AdultOTSLPBrain InjuryVision
Visual closure skills are important for how we perceive our environment. This activity provides three methods for addressing visual closure deficits by having the patient match partial parts of an image to a whole, as well as select the correct partial piece of an image given multiple choices.
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Vestibular Neuritis

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
Do you have a patient with vestibular neuritis? This document will help explain the diagnosis and detail what to expect. The document is helpful for patients, caregivers, and clinicians.
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Therapy Material

Verbal Reasoning and Problem Solving Task

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultSLPAphasiaBrain Injury
For patients working on addressing verbal reasoning skills, this structured therapy task includes verbal prompts to optimize executive functioning, auditory processing, and verbal expression skills.
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Vascular Claudication

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultCardiovascular DiseaseChronic PainDiabetes
Vascular claudication can cause intermittent pain in the leg when active. Knowing what vascular claudication is, what to expect, and potential treatment options is useful to people who suffer from this condition and for the clinicians who treat people with vascular claudication. This handout outlines what intermittent vascular claudication is, what to expect, and potential […]
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Therapy Material

Verb Network Strengthening Treatment (VNeST)

Print Resource — US Letter — 4 pages
Verb Network Strengthening Treatment (VNeST) has been shown to improve generalization to untrained words. This resource explains what VNeST is, who the best candidates are, and steps for completion including adjustments and cueing that can be provided. A template and an example list of target verbs are included.
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Therapy Material

Verbal Discussion: “What’s Going on in this Picture?”

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
The New York Times posts an intriguing photo without a caption every Monday to spark discussion. This activity guides a discussion by providing critical thinking questions for a person with aphasia to answer.
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Valsalva Maneuver

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
The valsalva maneuver can be used as an exercise for the treatment of dysphagia and is one step of the super-supraglottic swallow maneuver in which a person is voluntarily controlling airway closure to reduce the risk of aspiration while consuming food and/or liquid. This resource provides information regarding who should use this maneuver, the rationale, contraindications, and instructions to complete this maneuver.  
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Therapy Material

Valentine’s Day Activity Pack

Print Resource — US Letter — 3 pages
PediatricSLPLanguage Development
Valentine’s Day brings lots of fun vocabulary and language for children to learn and use! This multi-activity pack provides therapy materials to use during this fun holiday.
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Therapy Material

Valentine’s Language Activities for Kids

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 page
PediatricSLPLanguage Development
The first activity challenges kids to match Valentine-related vocabulary words to pictures by connecting them with lines. The second activity invites them to write a “letter of love,” and is a great opportunity to work on general writing skills, spelling, syntax, vocabulary, and social skills.
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Clinical Reference

Upper Extremity Neuropathies

Print Resource — US letter — 3 pages
AdultOTNervous System Conditions
When a client has neuropathy, it is often up to clinicians to assess the presentation, refer to an MD for interdisciplinary collaboration, and educate caregivers about symptoms and expected outcomes in addition to performing interventions. This resource includes a comprehensive chart for clinicians outlining upper extremity neuropathies, diagnoses commonly associated with upper extremity neuropathy, and their presentations. Presented in alphabetical order for ease of use.
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Upper Extremity Preservation in Spinal Cord Injury

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTSpinal Cord Injury
This handout covers multiple strategies for preserving upper extremity function in individuals with spinal cord injury.
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Handout HEP

Urinary Incontinence Exercise Program

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This handout provides clear, simple instructions to improve strength and continence. Includes space for repetitions, hold times, frequency, precautions, and notes.
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Therapy Material

Using Maps for Language Recovery

Print Resource — US Letter — 3 pages
AdultSLPAphasiaBrain Injury
This utilizes maps for different functional language activities targeting verbal expression, auditory comprehension, reading comprehension, and written expression. Includes a basic map and a more advanced map to serve different cognitive levels.
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