Clinical Resources

Print from the Clinical Resource library.


Pushing Behavior

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTBalance/Vestibular/FallsBrain InjuryStroke
This resource provides therapists a background of pushing behavior, quick assessments, and treatment ideas.
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Handout HEP

PNF Patterns

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTNervous System ConditionsStroke
Use the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) patterns in this HEP to improve strength, coordination, motor control, and mobility of the upper extremity.
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Community Re-integration in a Wheelchair

Print Resource — US Letter — 3 pages
AdultOTSeating and Mobility
This resource covers different strategies to maximize independence in the community for wheelchair users. It includes topics such as navigating community obstacles, equipment for community engagement, and independence in the grocery store.
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Fair Housing Act Rules: Tools to Advocate for Clients

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTAgingHealth Management and Self AdvocacySpinal Cord Injury
This resource touches on Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and details Fair Housing Act (FHA) rules that may impact the independence of clients, and how these rules can be used to advocate for their quality of life.
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Clinical Reference

Contraindications for Exercise

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTSports and Exercise
Do you work with a vulnerable population? Do you struggle to remember important blood values or vital abnormalities? This document lists the contraindications for exercise so that you don’t have to memorize them. Keep it close to your exercise equipment for fast and easy reference.
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Clinical Reference

Medical Abbreviations Shorthand

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
Documentation is rarely anyone’s favorite part of healthcare. This document helps you quickly decipher acronyms used in others documentation and more efficiently write your own documentation. Post it next to your computer as a fast and easy reference or provide it as a reference for student clinicians to help them document more efficiently.
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How Important Are Imaging Scans?

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTChronic Pain
People with pain frequently undergo imaging scans. These can be useful in the right context, but can also create a lot of anxiety for people who learn they have issues such as “disc degeneration”. This handout is useful to alleviate some of the anxiety that can accompany imaging scans.
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Handout HEP

Evidence Based Core Exercises for Scoliosis

Print Resource — US letter — 2 pages
Do you wonder which exercises are best for people with scoliosis? This exercise intervention outlines two simple exercises that can be utilized as part of a home program for people with scoliosis.
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Your Whole Body Rehabilitation Therapy Team

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTSLPBrain InjurySpinal Cord InjuryStroke
Speech, occupational, and physical therapists make a powerful interdisciplinary team that works together with patients to make recovery possible. This handout is designed to help patients, family, and staff understand the unique and interrelated roles that each discipline encompasses.
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Therapy Material

Yoga Vowels: A Multisensory Approach to Learning Long and Short Vowels

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
PediatricSLPArticulation and Phonology
This fun activity addresses the difference between long and short vowels. This multi-sensory approach includes visuals for yoga positions to match various long and short vowels, providing multi-sensory feedback to kiddos who need it.
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Clinical Reference Eval Tool

Yale Swallow Protocol

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
The Yale Swallow Protocol (YSP) is a screening tool for swallowing. The person being screened either passes or fails, identifying individuals who would benefit from a more thorough evaluation of all aspects of swallowing function. This resource provides evidence regarding the sensitivity and specificity of the YSP and provides steps for completion and determination of pass/fail for appropriate recommendations to be made.
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Therapy Material

Written Expression Tasks

Print Resource — US Letter — 3 pages
This therapy task features two functional tasks, the first one targeting single words and the second task targeting sentence level production.
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Clinical Reference Eval Tool

Wrist Extensor Compartments Anatomy and Tendinopathy Considerations

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
Wrist extensor tendinopathies are a less often encountered diagnosis in rehabilitation settings. It can be difficult to determine the best course of action when evaluating the dorsal wrist tendons. This evaluation tool outlines the location of different extensor tendon compartments in the hand and common pathologies seen in each compartment.
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Working Memory and Adaptive Strategies

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTSLPBrain InjuryDementia
Working memory is an essential part of everyday short term memory. Finding strategies for adapting to the loss of this executive function can mitigate declines associated with early stage dementia and improve independence with completion of everyday skills.
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Therapy Material

Workbook: Impact of Mental Health on Daily Routines

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTMental Health
This resource is for clients working through a mental health diagnosis such as anxiety or depression. Gives prompts for writing down questions, areas of difficulty, impacts of diagnoses, and prioritizing wants and needs. May be a good introduction to journaling for those with anxiety or depression, serves as a reminder of the people in a person’s support system, and guides OT intervention and plan of care in a way that prioritizes function and mental health.
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Word-Finding Strategies

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This handout visualizes 9 strategies patients can use when they get stuck and can’t find the word they want. Pair this handout with therapy tasks targeting word-finding.
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Therapy Material

Word Finding Tables

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
A word-finding task based on categories and alphabet.
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Therapy Material

Word Association Web

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This activity has a variety of words in a web format in which a patient has to generate a target word that is associated with the two words that it is sandwiched between.
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Therapy Material

Winter-Themed Language Activity Pack

Print Resource — US Letter — 4 pages
PediatricLanguage Development
Winter time provides several opportunities for improving language development, as there are several vocabulary words associated with the season for all ages. These activities provide a fun, engaging way to work on language goals and skills during this season. 
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Therapy Material

Winter Interactive Vocabulary Scene

Print Resource — US Letter — 3 pages
PediatricSLPLanguage Development
This activity is designed to target core and seasonal vocabulary.
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