
Sciatic Nerve Glides

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Nerve pain down the leg can be challenging to treat, especially if the pain cannot be reduced directly with low back related postures or movements. In these cases, sciatic nerve glides may be the best option to encourage gentle movement of the nerves that course into the lower part of the lower back. This intervention piece outlines how to perform sciatic nerve glides.
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Loading Guidelines for the Intervertebral Disc

December 29, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Lower back pain is generally non-specific in nature, but the intervertebral disc can be attributed to some back pain. People with back pain are frequently discouraged when they are told they have disc problems and feel like they cannot do anything about things like “degenerative disc disease,” “disc herniations,” and “disc bulges.” This resource provides information for clinicians and people with back pain interested in optimal loading for the intervertebral disc.
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Instructions for Acute Low Back Pain

December 27, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Nearly everyone will experience low back pain at some time. This handout provides instructions that may be helpful for individuals who have mild low back pain. It is an ideal sheet for clinicians to give after consultations and follows methods popularized by Robin McKenzie.
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Spinal Pathology Questionnaire

December 23, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Serious spinal pathology is rare but can have devastating consequences if not recognized and referred for appropriate treatment. This cue sheet is designed for people with back pain to fill out prior to their therapy evaluation so that the therapist can then review it and follow-up on any checked items. It provides some questions that can (in rare instances) point toward serious underlying pathology. 
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