
Spot the Difference at the Grocery Store

December 31, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This therapy material works on a variety of visual perceptual skills using images from a grocery store for a functional real-world version of spot the difference.
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Delayed Recall Visual Memory Activity

August 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This material addresses delayed recall with visual memory using a storytelling strategy. Video on how to use this resource: Magliano, J. P., Larson, A. M., Higgs, K., & Loschky, L. C. (2016). The relative roles of visuospatial and linguistic working memory systems in generating inferences during visual narrative comprehension. Memory & Cognition, 44, 207-219.
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Spot the Difference

July 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This therapy material works on a variety of visual perceptual skills using functional images. Video on how to use this resource:
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Time Pressure Management for the Treatment of Information Processing Speed

June 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource provides education on the hierarchy of decision-making for the successful use of time pressure management (TPM) and how to train patients to use TPM to compensate for slowed information processing speed. Video on how to use this resource: Winkens, I., Van Heugten, C. M., Wade, D. T., & Fasotti, L. (2009). Training patients […]
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Pilot Study on Activities of Daily Living Limitations in Adults With Hemianopsia (2009)

March 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
The study used a convenience sample of adults referred to outpatient low-vision rehabilitation. Stroke was the documented cause of visual deficit for all participants except one who had sustained a brain tumor. All participants had homonymous hemianopsia or quadrantanopsia, and all but one lived in their own homes. Semi-structured interviews demonstrated that participants identified personal […]
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